Friday, August 29, 2008


If you are expecting this to be some sleazy post I’m sorry to disappoint you. I am referring to golf balls.

A friend recently emailed me some testimonials titled “Think Before You Speak” One from a lady read as follows:

“I was at the golf store comparing different kinds of golf balls. I was unhappy with the women's type I had been using. After browsing for several minutes, I was approached by one of the good-looking guys working at the store. He asked if he could help me. Without thinking, I looked at him and said, 'I think I like playing with men's balls”

This was the first time I learnt that they also have separate golf balls for women!

A cousin of mine recently invited me to his golf club and it was the first time I visited one. To get a hang of the game I also tried my hand at driving and putting a few “buckets”. Before I visited the course I thought golf was a boring game. After spending an hour at the course I was convinced it was a boring game. But I do concede that it is not as easy as it looks.

Golf enjoys the distinction of being the only sport where your status is suddenly elevated by just paying for a golf club membership or buying some expensive golf gear! You don’t even have to know how to play the game. Have you noticed the air of pride and superiority people exude when they declare they play golf or just plan to do so?

Statistically speaking 50% of people playing the game are in such a bad shape that this is the only game they can actually play. 45% are those who are into it purely due to peer pressure, snob value or by virtue of free corporate membership. Only 5% consists of those who really understand and enjoy the game!

Those who are out of shape claim to get excellent exercise while walking on the greens. I find this very amusing. When I see the pace at which they walk, the only thing I see happening is overweight Homo sapiens suffocating the fresh green grass. I wonder how great an exercise it is when you don’t even carry your own clubs. You either have a caddy or still worse a motorized cart! Half these guys can’t even bend down to take the ball out of the hole! On the contrary, the spectators get more exercise than the players simply because they have to see the ball being hit and then scamper to try and catch the action when it hits the ground.

At best it is a great excuse to get away from your nagging spouse and have a few rounds of intoxicants with friends.

My conclusion: I love Golf!

Surprised? Well, not the sport but the enterprise behind the sport. If I ever wanted to be in a business it would be selling golf gear and accessories. Golf is the only sport in which the number of accessories by far exceeds that required in military warfare. Add to this the fact that it is a sport in which accessories are perennially either lost or broken and you have a fail safe business. Gullible wealthy individuals dying to be skimmed of their fortunes makes for a great customer listing. Long live Golf.

P.S. I am sure to incur the wrath of all my golf loving friends. I do have an escape though. I’m going to tell them that they all are part of the 5% who genuinely know and enjoy the game!

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