Saturday, November 15, 2008

Moon Moon (In)Sen

I caught up with the Minister who approved India’s mission to the moon.

Sir, don’t you think our country has better priorities to spend the millions of dollars you spent on the moon mission? I mean like eradicating poverty, providing water and sanitation, rural education and health care etc …

You people will never understand.
We have to do something bold and new.
All those things you have mentioned we have been doing them for over 60 years now.
They are so boring. Don’t you want to do anything new?

Don’t you realize we have done something which only a handful of nations have done?

But sir, they are all rich nations!

You have answered yourself. Now that we have spent millions of dollars on the moon mission doesn’t that automatically make us rich?

But sir, our farmers are committing suicide.

You and your ‘butt’.... cant you see the big picture for a change?

Sir, hundreds of children are dying of malnutrition.

There you go again. Didn’t I say look at the big picture?

Sir, Terrorists are killing thousands of innocent people. Don’t you think we should spend on catching these killers?

I said look at the big picture. Do I have to spell it out?

When all these people who die go up..... can you imagine their pride and joy when they see the Indian flag flying on the Moon?

Aren’t you proud of being an Indian?

Yes sir, Thank You sir.

Jai Hind

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